In which Rory receives a proposal and her diploma.

Here’s What Happened:

Luke stops by Liz and TJ’s to see about getting some earrings as a graduating gift for Rory. Liz heard about Lorelai’s “serenade” to Luke, and hints at certain pieces of jewelry that would match Lorelai’s eyes. He finds a pair of earrings for Rory, then decides to get the necklace Liz pointed out would be nice for Lorelai as “a backup gift for Rory.” Mhmm. But later in the diner, he overhears Lorelai telling Patty that the song didn’t mean anything, and so he starts to shut her out a little again.

Things are quirky as ever in Stars Hollow, with Kirk about to embark upon his “Kirk in a Box” stunt, and the entire town expecting to attend Rory’s Yale graduation. It comes out at town meeting that Rory was only given four tickets to graduation, so Lorelai assures everyone they’ll do a reenactment for everyone after the ‘real’ ceremony.

KIRK: Lulu can play Rory. She’s a terrific actress.
MISS PATTY: What are you, nuts? No way. Rory’s gonna play Rory.


Emily and Richard throw Rory a graduation party. Christopher is there, and he and Lorelai seem to be on okay terms again. They meet outside so the first time they see each other isn’t inside, during the party. Once the party is in full swing, Emily and Richard call for everyone’s attention. To commemorate the special occasion, they’ve written Rory a song:

You’d think that would be the highlight of the party, but then Logan has to go and upstage everyone by proposing to Rory. Ahh! It catches her completely off guard, and she asks if she can speak to him outside. That’s never a good sign.


Rory asks Logan if she can have some time to think it over – after all, he’s had time to think about it! Logan agrees, and when he’s gone, Rory calls Lorelai and the two of them spend the evening riding around and talking in the horse-drawn carriage Logan booked for a post-proposal ride.

RORY: So what do you think I should do?
LORELAI: Oh, honey, I think it’s your decision.
RORY: I know, but tell me what you think I should do.
LORELAI: Well, I think you should take a few days, you know, let the shock wear off.
RORY: You’re really not gonna give me your opinion?
LORELAI: Only you know what you want.


On her way home after the carriage ride, Lorelai pauses to stare up at “Kirk in a Box” and runs into Luke. He tells her to wait so he can run into the diner and get something. We see him ponder whether or not to grab the box with the necklace for Lorelai… and then decide to leave it alone.

Later in the apartment, Rory takes a break from packing up to try on the ring.


And finally the moment we’ve all been waiting for: Miss Lorelai Leigh Gilmore graduates from Yale.

After the ceremony, it’s time for her to give her answer to Logan:

RORY: Logan… I’m sorry… I can’t. I love you. You know how much I love you. I love the idea of being married to you… but… there are just a lot of things right now in my life that are undecided. And that used to scare me, but now I-I kind of like the idea that…it’s just all kind of…wide open. And if I married you, it just wouldn’t be.
LOGAN: So, what? I go to San Francisco, you stay on the east, and we see each other occasionally?
RORY: Well, we can try long distance. We’ve done it before.

LOGAN: You really think that’s gonna work?
RORY: I think it would be hard, but…
LOGAN: I don’t want to do that, Rory. I don’t want to go backwards. If we can’t take the next step…
RORY: What?
LOGAN: I mean…
RORY: Does it have to be all or nothing?
LOGAN: Yeah, it does.
RORY: But we could at least try.
LOGAN: What’s the point?
LOGAN: So… [Rory hand the engagement ring back, Logan reluctantly takes it.] Goodbye, Rory.


As they finishing clearing out the last of the apartment, Lorelai tells Rory she thinks she made the right decision.

LORELAI: Someday you’ll meet someone, and you’ll just know it’s right. You won’t want to hesitate. You’ll just know.
RORY: I hope so.
LORELAI: I really do believe it.

And then, it’s time to go.


That Gilmore Girls show sure is a pop culture playground:
MISS PATTY: And what exactly is “Kirk-in-a-box”?
KIRK: I will be suspended 20 feet above the street in a clear Lucite box with no food or water.
LORELAI: Like David Blaine.

LORELAI: Maybe it’s just a cultural thing. Maybe Milan Kundera is the Robin Williams of the Czech Republic.

LORELAI: You know for a while, Rory said they were considering Henry Winkler. That would have been neat.
RICHARD: You mean Henry Kissinger?
LORELAI: Not unless he played the Fonz.

CHRISTOPHER: Any answer from Rory?
LORELAI: Not yet.
EMILY: Apparently Lorelai has decided to invoke the “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule.
LORELAI: Oh mom.
RICHARD: Bill Clinton — that’s a speaker I would have enjoyed. I can’t stand his politics, but he has a commanding presence and a nice voice. I wonder if he records books on tape.

The witticisms of Lorelai Gilmore, ladies and gentlemen:
RORY: Won’t you just tell me what to do?
LORELAI: Honey, I’m sorry.
RORY: Oh! Okay. You don’t have to say anything. Just blink one eye if you think I should do it.
RORY: ‘Cause you don’t?
LORELAI: ‘Cause I won’t.
RORY: This is like the bird-versus-turtle Halloween costume all over again.
LORELAI: Well I didn’t crack then, and I’m not gonna crack now. I just think you need to figure it out. And remember — that flying turtle bird was the most original costume in the third grade.
RORY: Yeah. [Sighs] But this time I have to choose — turtle or bird?
LORELAI: Well, you’re not in third grade anymore.
RORY: Yeah, I guess not.
LORELAI: Hey, how many hours do we have the carriage for?
RORY: Um, a couple more, I’m guessing.
LORELAI: Want to drive through the center of town and do the queen wave?
RORY: Yes.

Kirk’s Current Job:

Paris is Burning:
PARIS: Yes, we still have the kitchen table, but the chairs went about a half-hour ago. Yeah let me stop you right there if you want to haggle, go to a flea market, because my other line is ringing. Fine. It’s yours. Be here in 20 minutes, or I’ll reactivate the listing. [Hangs up the phone] Sold for $15 more than I paid 2 years ago see, the key to haggling is you put your hands around their throat and keep on squeezing.
DOYLE: You’ve got skills, baby.

Emily Gilmore, Emily Post:
EMILY: Can I have my program back, then? As my friend Sylvia Rosenblat is saying, I’m “Shavitzing.”
LORELAI: Shvitzing, mom. Shvitzing. Never mind.

Other random thoughts:
Logan hijacking Rory’s graduation party to propose wasn’t a good idea. Especially since they’d never even talked marriage before.  
I thought it was very sweet of Richard to make Lorelai stop worrying about cameras and timestamps and whatnot, and enjoy experiencing her daughter’s graduation.
I can’t believe there’s only one episode left!!!

Katie wrote this ツ

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