In which Lorelai, Rory, and Emily attend a wedding, and Logan reverts back to “Party Boy Logan” after his business deal fails.

Here’s What Happened:

Mia (of Independence Inn fame) is getting married and has invited Lorelai and Rory to the wedding in North Carolina. While suit shopping for interview attire, Lorelai tries to convince Rory to come to the wedding with her, but Rory says she can’t go because she’s worried about leaving Logan alone while he’s “freaking out on her.” He’s jetting off to Vegas, coming home drunk, dodging Mitchum’s calls, etc. Sigh.


Back at their apartment, Logan’s just hanging around playing video games, waiting for Colin and Finn to come over. Mitchum comes over first, and has a “discussion” with his son.

LOGAN: I need some time.
MITCHUM: You know what you need, Logan? You need to get dressed, get cleaned up, and get your ass down to the office so you can hear what’s been figured out for you!
LOGAN: I’m not just another one of your employees.
MITCHUM: Damn right you’re not. If you were just another one of my employees, you’d be fired by now. Steven, Barry in legal are gonna sit you down, try and sort out the mess you made. Can you be there in an hour?
[Mitchum leaves]
LOGAN: And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Mitchum Huntzberger, class-a jerk. Can you believe him?

Rory surprises Logan by taking Mitchum’s side. You know things are bad when she’s agreeing with Huntzberger!

Logan’s attitude makes Rory change her mind about going to Mia’s wedding. She calls Lorelai to tell her she’s in, but Lorelai happens to be with Emily when she calls. Lorelai’s been helping Emily learn to use the computer to handle business affairs (since Richard hasn’t been doing much of anything that isn’t leisure and/or golf-related these days).


Emily overhears Lorelai and Rory making plans for their road trip to North Carolina and gets to thinking about a really nice spa she knows about near Mia’s… next thing you know:


While the Gilmore girls are on the road to Charlotte, NC, Zach is filling in for Lane at Luke’s Diner. He invites Luke to dinner – begs, actually, because he forgot to ask him earlier and doesn’t want to disappoint Lane. Luke agrees to come, and they have a slightly awkward (but very sweet) dinner together at Lane and Zach’s. At the end of dinner, they ask Luke to be godfather to the twins. Luke accepts. Aww. 🙂


Once Luke has agreed to be the twins’ godfather, Zach is more comfortable having a total, panicky meltdown in front of him about fatherhood.

LUKE: Listen, I know what’s going on, okay? You’re about to become a father, so you’re panicking.
ZACH: I am, dude, big-time.
LUKE: Promise you you’ll get through this.
ZACH: I don’t know how to throw a damn Frisbee.

Luke talks him off the ledge and assures him he’ll find his “dad mode”.

The Girls arrive at the Best Western, and Emily comes inside to wash up before heading to her spa. “I can’t very well arrive at a luxurious resort smelling of bad shellfish and covered with the grime of the road.”  While they’re all together, Mia calls. When she realizes Emily is with them, she invites her to the wedding, too.

RORY: [Taking the phone] That is so thoughtful of you, Mia, and I am sure she would love to come.
EMILY: Oh great. Now I have to go.
LORELAI: No, you don’t.
EMILY: It would be rude not to. Damn!
RORY: She says she’s delighted and flattered that you asked.
MIA: Oh, that’s wonderful. I look forward to seeing all three of you tomorrow. Sleep well.


The next morning, Lorelai, Emily and Rory arrive at Mia’s. Lorelai has no idea that Emily and Mia know each other from when Emily stopped by the Inn to meet her. Emily is cordial but also typically Emily during the ceremony and reception.


During the wedding reception – surprise, surprise – Logan shows up! Rory is not impressed.

RORY: Wow, I can’t believe you’re still doing this. This is so last year’s Logan.
LOGAN: What?
RORY: You think you can just fly anywhere I am and overwhelm me by just showing up and — I’m just not impressed anymore by your grand gestures.
LOGAN: I’m not trying to impress you Rory. I just want to tell you what I’ve been thinking.
RORY: Well I don’t care…
LOGAN: And I wanted to see you.
RORY: I’m in the middle of a wedding of a close friend. I don’t have time to stand here and listen to you explain your stupid immature behavior.

She makes Logan wait outside until she has time to deal with him.


Rory tells Lorelai about Logan showing up, to which Lorelai responds:


Eventually, Rory does go outside to talk to Logan. He apologizes for the way he behaved after the business deal fell apart, and tells her he’s left his father’s business. Rory is so proud of him she decides to share some of her wedding cake.


Inside, Mia tells Lorelai about Emily coming to see her at the Inn some years back, and asking for photos of Lorelai and Rory from the time they lived at the Inn. Later, Lorelai approaches Mia and Emily standing by the window as they watch Rory and Logan talk outside.

MIA: He came with you?
EMILY: No, I guess he flew down to see Rory.
MIA: It’s hard for me to think of little Rory with a boyfriend.
EMILY: She’s not so little anymore.
MIA: No. I just hope she doesn’t get her heart broken.
EMILY: I can assure you, if anyone does any heartbreaking, it will be Rory.
MIA: Probably.
[Lorelai comes up and listens]
EMILY: Definitely. She’s such a smart, confident young woman. She’s really amazing — witty, charming, valedictorian in high school, editor of the college paper. Sounds like she’ll have her pick of jobs at newspapers all over the country. Rory will be fine.


When they get back to their hotel, Lorelai and Rory covince Emily to stay with them. They’re planning to eat vending machine snacks and watch “The Pursuit of Happyness” on TV. Emily agrees. 🙂 Before they get a chance to start the movie, Rory gets a text that Lane has had her babies! Aww!

RORY: Oh, my god! Lane had her babies.
LORELAI: [Gasps] Oh!
RORY: Zach just sent me a photo. Here… See?
LORELAI: Oh, cute!
RORY: Aren’t they cute?
EMILY: I’m sure that little camera distorts their faces.

Oh, Emily.


Season 7 is so GOOD because:
Gilmore Girls road trip! 

Season 7 is so BAD because:
The thing with Lorelai’s wedding poem for Mia was completely awkward. 

That Gilmore Girls show sure is a pop culture playground:
RORY: I don’t know if “cute” is what I’m going for on an interview for a newspaper, but…
LORELAI: Worked for Brenda Starr. Worked for Lois Lane.

LORELAI: Hi, dad. Nice threads. Having lunch with Tony Soprano?

MIA: Well, she’s right. The bride and groom have wild plans to take off all their clothes, jump into their pajamas, and listen to “A Prairie Home Companion.”

LORELAI: Have you seen “The Pursuit of Happyness”?
EMILY: Is that the one with Will Smith? He’s so attractive.
LORELAI: Mmm! Mom has a thing for Will Smith.

Now showing at the Gilmores:
“The Lake House” and “The Pursuit of Happyness”

The witticisms of Lorelai Gilmore, ladies and gentlemen:
LORELAI: Honey, your grandma and I have a very complicated relationship, but we’ll be fine. I don’t want you to worry. You go off and do your own thing. I’m a grown-up. A grown-up who wears a bib. [Charlene hands Lorelai the bib] Thank you.

Emily Gilmore, the Queen of Snark:
LORELAI: Well, all we need to do is — mom, you’re doing it again.
EMILY: I’m looking at the screen.
LORELAI: I know, but you’re, like, hovering.
EMILY: I’m not hovering, Lorelai. “Hovering” means you’re elevated off the ground. Do I look like I’m elevating?

Other random thoughts:
I’ve got to agree with Kirk about the pickle juice thing. 


Katie wrote this ツ

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