In which there are three baptisms, two godmothers and one cake topper.

Here’s what happened:
Going through her gigantic collection of VHS tapes, Lorelai is missing Rory terribly. Who else is going to watch Riding the Bus With My Sister with her? Lorelai tries to call her and is upset to find that Rory’s cell phone number has been disconnected.

Rory’s got the house to herself while her grandparents are on vacation in Finland, but that doesn’t mean she’s got control of her life. The maid’s taking away her summer clothes (light layers, lady!), and Emily presses Rory into service hosting a DAR mixer in Emily’s place.

There’s garnish on this tray. There shouldn’t be. My grandmother hates garnish.

She nervously schmoozes the DAR ladies with aplomb until Logan crashes with his scotch bottle and bad mood. His solution? Bring his degenerate friends and a Dutch milkmaid to hang out with him and his scotch in the pool house.

This is how you get out of a bad mood, Ace.

It seems that his father expects him to get serious, graduate this year and enter the family business. Wanting to escape, Logan secures a helicopter and whisks Rory off to a weekend in New York after the Belleville baptism.

Speaking of baptism, Sookie and Jackson bicker about the whole concept and the invasion of Jackson’s family.

SOOKIE: Your cousins are gonna be picking their teen with my Reida paring knives.

Lorelai makes peace with offering the Dragonfly as accommodations, including Jackson’s brother, Beau, who thinks Lorelai is a nympho thanks to cousin Rune’s tall tales (pun intended, TYVM).


Sookie asks Lorelai and Rory to be the godparents to her two children. She’s hoping that it will be a chance for them to reconcile so that Lorelai can finally set her wedding date and get with the planning (and Sookie can use the vintage cake topper she found that perfectly matches Luke’s butt).

During the ceremony, however, Lorelai works out that Sookie must have contacted Rory about the baptism, meaning Rory gave Sookie her new number and not Lorelai.


Unable to hold it until afterward, Lorelai excuses herself and Rory from the ceremony, and mother and daughter end up fighting on the steps of the church, while holding the babies. Rory explains to her mom that Sookie called Emily and left a note, and Rory called her back. Later, as she’s leaving, Rory offers to give her mother her new number but is rebuffed.

RORY: Look, I know this is lame at this point, but you can have my new number if you want it.
LORELAI: That’s okay. I can call mom, and she can leave you a note.
LORELAI: OK. (they walk in opposite directions)

What a catchy tune:
NOT Zach’s “Ah Ah Ah Ah-Ah Oh-Oh-Oh”

That Gilmore Girls show sure is a pop culture playground:

SOOKIE: She’s been institutionalized. She shaved her head. She thinks she’s Susan Powter.

KIRK: (to woman) So, are you a Davey or a Martha? Davey, I bet, right? He’s much more accessible. He’s the Dandy Warhols to Martha’s Brian Jonestown massacre.

Why I want Sookie for my personal chef:
Post-baptism summer salads!

Now showing at the Gilmores:
Riding the Bus With My Sister

It’s not the same.

Snark 101 with Michel Gerard:

MICHEL: The Belleville’s are freeloaders. The whole lot of them. They are as cheap as tan panty hose with white sandals. Plus, I believe they have emptied all the booze from the minibars upstairs into their own flask and then refilled the bottles with water.
LORELAI: Can I interest you in a sick day?
MICHEL: Pssh! I would not give them the satisfaction. (starts exiting the library, Lorelai follows, and Sookie is walking towards them) Oh, how proud a family reunion must be for you. (walks away)
LORELAI: He’s snarky.
SOOKIE: And sarcastic.
LORELAI: He’s snarcastic.

The witticisms of Lorelai Gilmore, ladies and gentlemen:

LUKE: Well, at least try to pare this box [of VCR tapes] down a little, please?
LORELAI: I’ll try. I will. I promise.
LUKE: Good. (starts walking towards the staircase)
LORELAI: If you promise not to go upstairs again.
LUKE: I just got to check on one thing. (stops at the bottom of the staircase)
LORELAI: (picks up a tape) Oh, look at that! “America’s Castles”, the special Florida edition. Seen it five times, keeping it. (puts the tape in the keepers box)
LUKE: One thing.
LORELAI: (picks up another tape) Oh, “The History Of Paper”, a documentary by Ted Burns, distant relative of Ken Burns. Oh, seven hours. Dull, dull, dull. Keeping it! (puts it in the keepers box)
LUKE: I’m not going up. (retreats from the staircase)
LORELAI: Good. Oh! “Please Don’t Eat The Daisies,” seasons two and four. I’ve been looking for this.

Other Random Thoughts:
Dang, Lorelai, that is a CRAZY amount of VHS tapes. She’s right, the original commercials are half the fun.
Nora of the DAR has is surprisingly British. Is that allowed?
Zach and Brian totally blew all the tour money on their lame equipment. But is she more mad about the lost tour money or Brian & Zach’s plundering of her underwear drawer?
♦ Sookie doesn’t seem to put much stock in the concept of godmothers, given the whole plan of asking Lorelai and Rory to be them all for the sake of getting Lorelai to start planning her marriage. Smells a little Machiavellian. Poor Davey and Martha.
I liked the nice parallel of both mother and daughter fretting about seeing the other, worrying about wardrobe choices while their significant others tell them sleepily from bed that they can blow the whole baptism thing off.
It’s been awhile since Lane and Rory have talked. I didn’t think I’d ever hear them be so super awkward with each other trying to keep the conversation going. Thankfully, it didn’t last long.

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